The Qiew Tonight on Rumble
" Playlist One 2021"
A Special Harry & Meghan Roast Served with Qiew Gravy
This is A nearly serious and almost respectable Special Harry & Meghan Roast Served with Qiew Gravy that dissects the Royal Scandal(s), and all brought to you by Qiew Sponsor Gays Against Biden!
Remember Epstein Didn’t kill himself, #GoRight and visit theqiew.com to see our YouTube Channel and our live podcasts!
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A Message to the Leftist Gays of America from the World: Don’t Vote!
A Message to the Leftist Gays of America from the World: Don’t Vote!
This is “A Message to the Leftist Gays of America from the World” This video explores the fact that Joe Biden seems to be a Puppet controlled by the “War Mongering Globalist Faction” whose goal is to go back to killing as many innocent people as they can while making money for the Military Industrial Complex & the Techo-Pharma Authoritarians.
The Message to America’s Leftist Gays from Gays Against Biden, Via Syria, is Just Don’t Vote! Until you can stop blindly following instructions from your cult leaders and learn to do research to identify which candidates are the Monsters from the corrupt political establishment faction who want to kill the world, then you are unqualified to vote! The World does not need more bombs & Brides Killed on their Wedding Day from America!
Please share this with a Leftist Gay so that the Message to America from the Syrian Mother is heard by Biden Voters in America and Follow us here at the Qiew Tonight!
The Qiew’s Special RGB Crap Sandwich
This is The Qiew’s Very Special RGB Crap Sandwich, which is our lovely and tasteless, coz we’re not the lefty nine o’clock news, homage to the departed Supreme.
To mark this occasion we also debut our Brand New & Sparkling New Credits!
Please, Like, Share & Subscribe and Join Gays Against Biden on Gab & Gays Against Joe Biden on Facebook to keep up to date with the work of the Resistance!
The complete truth about Joe Biden’s LGBT record
This is a Reading with Sr Mary-Jane’s special Commentary of a Fact Check article by Outspoken on His Fraudulency’s horrific record discriminating against LGBT People in the USA & supporting regimes that murder Gay People!
“The complete truth about Joe Biden’s LGBT record is that for over four decades in Washington, Joe Biden has attacked LGBT people”. From: https://getoutspoken.com/fact-check/the-complete-truth-about-joe-bidens-lgbt-record
Please Like, Share & Subscribe to The Qiew Tonight on Rumble. For more information on where to see the podcast, go to theqiew.com
Thanks to Fagmedia on Rumble for supporting The Qiew!
Biden Will Make America Broke Again
A vote for Biden is a Vote for “Make America Broke Again”!
A New Stanford Study Suggests Biden’s Agenda Will Have Devastating Economic Consequences & Biden’s interventions would, among other things, distort labor incentives, decrease productivity, and kill jobs”.
A reading from: https://fee.org/articles/new-stanford-study-suggests-bidens-agenda-will-have-4-devastating-economic-consequences/
Please Like, Share & Subscribe. For more information about the Qiew Tonight go to www.theqiew.com
Gays Against Biden We Will Mock You Mixed Meme Salad
This is another serving from Gays Against Biden, this time a Mixed Meme Salad featuring MediaBear’s We Will Mock You!
Please don’t watch this video if you are offended by mockery of His Fraudulency, PEDOTUS! Join the Resistance at Gays Against Biden on Gab here: https://gab.com/groups/14313 or Gays Against Joe Biden on Fakebook!
Thanks to MediaBear for their great music. Follow them at https://gab.com/DrClown
Please Like, Share & Subscribe to The Qiew Tonight & visit TheQiew.com for details of podcast times!